September 01, 2010


The last few weeks have been full of adjustments.Brookelynn is trying to come to terms with not being the oldest.
Sharing a room.
With a girl.
She's used to dealing with boys.
Different smells.
Lara uses hairspray and perfume.
Both things are completely foreign to Brookie.
And, for the most part, to me as well.Ezra loves kindergarten.
He had one rough morning last week.
Walking to school with Clifford was a must.
But as soon as we got to the school doors,
Clifford was mine.
So, yes.
My neighbors have seen me carrying Clifford.
And wearing a superhero cape.
They are likely beginning to wonder...He brought this home from school today.
Love it.Jakie is still not sure about the new school.
But it's getting better everyday.
And he still has a lot of smiles for me.
So I know he's really doing just fine.Jobe and I are having fun.
We read books.
We play preschool computer games.
We cook.
We run errands.
Taking just one kid places is amazingly easy.
Why did I think it was hard when it was just Brookelynn?
I think his real adjustment will begin when Ezra starts going all day.
Ryan has seen more female tears than he was planning on.
From me on the first day of school.
To Lara having her first breakdown Sunday night.
Then Brookelynn on Monday.

Extra estrogen in the house.
Good times.


Gail said...

Oh...I remember those breakdowns. We had lots of exchange students. The first weeks were tough but we all grew to love each other so much. The goodbyes were even HARDER!!!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

This is so cute! I hope things smooth out soon.