I loved it.
Any time the kids would do something nice for someone,
I would say:
That was a great POF!
And they would get really embarrassed.
Especially the two older ones.
This summer I wanted to find a new verse to focus on.
We found a verse the end of May.
I read it to the kids and said:
This will be our POF verse for the summer.
Brookie and Jakie groaned and said:
Don't call it POF!
That's sounds like a little kid word.
Ryan said:
How about the word "refresh".
I thought it was perfect.
The kids did not.
Then Ryan said:
How about "Coke"?
Coke is refreshing.
"Coke" it is.
Or "Coke is it"!
(Remember that slogan?)
Then I forgot all about the verse and the word.
Until this morning.
Over a month later.
I have problems.
So, for the rest of the summer,
we are going to be refreshing.
And instead of saying:
Good POF.
I will say:
Good Coke.
And be happy.
And get along.
And be refreshing.
The whole rest of the summer.
I like to dream.
Here's the verse we're going with:
Philemon 7
Your love has given me great joy and encouragement,
because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints.
Honestly, this verse is more for me than my kids.
How wonderful would it be.
To bring great joy and encouragement.
To my family.
To my friends.
To any one I come in contact with.
Sounds...well...refreshing, doesn't it?
Now, I'm going to go Coke someone.
Hmmm...that sounds odd.
Each week Beki at therustedchain hosts Fingerprint Friday and uses a song by Steven Curtis Chapman as a springboard. Join in. It's a great way to be reminded of God's presence.
You, my friend, are a nice, cool, refreshing coke for me every single day! Not even a diet coke but the real thing.
I love your blog :) I found you from the rusted chain :) I am also Gina (Regina) is my given name.
I am following you
Rainbow (Gina)
Awesome Gina. I'm stealing it and doing it with my kids too (they are older and will be even MORE embarassed by it!!). I just posted yesterday about showing God's light to others and seeing God's light in those I meet. Easier said than done, but a great goal. Thanks for this great post and idea :)
I agree with Danielle. :)
"Coke" is a great work as a remind for a great verse! Cool idea! Also, I've gotten behind on reading blogs, and so, I just now read your blog post about your class reunion. Glad to hear you survived your 20-year reunion....my husband's is coming up soon, and mine will be the next year. Fortunately, our son will be much too young to be "gawking" at any of my friends' kids :) That's funny that it happened, though.
Yeah... see... somehow I missed this post. Now I'm not as lost anymore.
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