January 04, 2010


I'm not one to make new year's resolutions.
Why set myself up for an inevitable fall?

I'm terrible at completing tasks.
And forgetful.
Really forgetful.
And I tend to procrastinate.
On the stupidest things.

But for some unknown reason,
I feel compelled to make a few resolutions.
I really hate that word.
I'm going to say goals.
I am going to make a few goals for this year.

Let me also say that I hate to fail.
At this point my husband is probably thinking, "What?"
So let me clarify.
I have no problem failing in my own home.
But to everyone else,
I like to look put together.
On top of things.
If I don't appear that way to you,
don't tell me.
Why shatter my little illusion?

So, I was thinking that if I post my goals here,
I might actually accomplish them.
Because surely I wouldn't want to look like a failure
to the few people who actually read this.

Goal #1: Read through the Bible.
Ryan and I are hoping to do this together.

Goal #2: Create a prayer journal.
No idea what it will look like,
but I hope it will help me pray more faithfully.
And be reminded of how God works.

Goal #3: Love my kids and hubby more.
I have to throw one in there that I know
without a doubt I will accomplish.
I can already check that one.
I'm good!

Goal #4: Clean out each drawer and cupboard in the house.
By the time I'm done,
I'll likely have to start all over again.

Goal #5: Learn something completely new to me.
I have a couple of ideas here.
But I'm not willing to share them yet.

Goal #6: Read at least one book to my kids everyday.
The little boys, anyway.
I used to do that for Brookie and Jakie.
With no difficulty.
Not sure what happened.
Crazy schedules, I suppose.
But that's a horrible excuse.

I can think of thousands more.
The first one that comes to mind is
no more library fines.
Honey, you didn't read that!
Oh, and potty train Jobie.
My mind just keeps on going.

So there are some goals.
Posted for anyone to stumble upon.
Nothing earth shattering.
Just simple things.

And now.
I'm going to read a book to my little boys.
Make that two.
So far.
So good.


Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Okay, I just have to say that I blogged today before I read this.

And I love your goals!

oh, the places you'll go... said...

I think the "learn something new to me" should be learning FRENCH!!!! then your reward could be to come and visit me and communicate with the locals! :)