September 15, 2009

Simple, Gooey Goodness

Not sure who "invented" them.
But I am sure that person should get an award.
There's no way you can be crabby when you eat these.
And they don't even contain chocolate.
They are so simple.
Only three ingredients.
Butter, marshmallows, rice krispies.
But so yummy.
After looking at these pictures again,
I think I need new pans.
Or maybe I need to scrub them better.
Now you're finding out the real me.
Well, at least they are well-seasoned.

The sauce pan is my tea-brewing pan.
I don't have a teapot.
And I always forget to put out sun tea.
Until half an hour before supper.
Not enough time for sun tea.
But plenty of time for brewed tea.

And the 9X13 is my everything pan.
It's my favorite one.
I use it all the time.
I have other 9X13's.
Just particularly fond of this one.
How can you be fond of a pan?
No idea.
But I am.

I digress.

I always add extra butter and marshmallows.
That makes them better.
And more fun to eat.
That piece hanging from Ezra's hand?
Ended up on the floor.
I ate it.
Good stuff.


Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Haha! You crack me up.

I've been dying for these lately too and bought all the ingredients the other day. Then my husband and kids got into the marshmallow bag and ate about half.

So I have to get more before I can make them. I love them with peanut butter in them!

Michele said...

mmmmm!! So good...I am hosting our small group tomorrow and this just may be dessert!!! Don't feel weird I have favorite pans too! I even had all the fancy pamper chef too and still choose the other one! HA!

Toni :O) said...

Have you tried them with cocoa pebbles or fruity pebbles??? OMG...HEAVEN! We just had marshmallow treats with friends the other night...almost ate teh whole pan between four of us! :O)

Toni :O) said...

Oh and I have crappy pans too...don't feel bad, I just crack it up to being well used!

Leslie said...

"I ate it." Haha! That's funny.

Marc, Sarah, Luke, and Kate said...

I made some of those just last week, and they were very yummy! I hadn't made them in awhile. And, don't worry -- I have some pans like that as well. They work oh so well.

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

You've been blogged about. :)