June 09, 2009


We have a mulberry tree in our backyard.
The kids love to eat mulberries.
All four of them.

They come in with purple-stained feet and hands.
Purple-stained faces and clothes.
All four of them.

Last year I promised them a mulberry pie.
Promise was broken.
So today Brookie picked mulberries.
And asked if I would make a pie.
Of course she did.

She only picked 2 cups.
Not enough for a good fruit pie.
Not that I'm the expert.
Just what I've been told.

1 cup of fresh strawberries.
1 cup of fresh blueberries.
Happened to have them on hand.
How often does that happen?
In our house, rarely.

So, I made a strawberry-blueberry-mulberry pie.
The kids declared it a hit.
All four of them.


Leslie said...

Yummo! My mom ALWAYS put mulberries with strawberries, because she said mulberries alone were too bland. Good improvisation!

Michele said...

That looks super yummy! I wish I could bake, or really even have the desire to.

oh, the places you'll go... said...

oooohh YUM!!! DO you think that can easily be packaged and sent to France? :) I miss seeing you on Sundays Gina!!!

Gail said...

Oh, looks delicious! I need to try that. You're going to town with your blogging lately! You must be super inspired--way to go!

Anonymous said...

My mother always added rhubard to mulberries for pie, jelly, and a cherry-dump type desert she always made.