April 01, 2010


It's been beautiful here.
Although the kids complain it's hot.
80 degrees is not hot.

I've been making them play outside.
Poor babies.
I love how being outside wears them out.

I've been outside too.
Cleaning up leaves.
Cutting down perennials.
Pulling weeds.
Blah, blah, blah.
Hoping to work off those excess winter pounds.

Ezzie loves to paint rocks with watercolors.
It's cheap entertainment.
The rocks wash off after a rain or two.
And can be painted all over again.
It's important to have snacks.
Painting works up an appetite.Our cat Mia is always there to supervise.
Ezra is painting a waterfall on his rock.I love how he holds his mouth as he concentrates.And how he rolls up into a little ball.Here's to hoping spring is here to stay.


Jody said...

I love the idea of using watercolors on rocks! Brilliant!

Beth said...

That's awesome. You are such a great mom :)