They are different from those between girls.
There's no strings attached, it seems.
Just acceptance.
Just rough and tumble playing.
Just go, go, go.
There is something special about the way boys play.
Jake has two best friends.
They spend quite a bit of time together.
It's been fun to watch them.
I'm hoping they will be there for each other.
For years to come.
If one falls down,
his friend can help him up,
But pity the man who falls
and has no one to help him up!
Each week Beki at therustedchain hosts Fingerprint Friday and uses a song by Steven Curtis Chapman as a springboard. Join in. It's a great way to be reminded of God's presence.
They look like great friends!
The post made me smile...since the "girl" in my house is having trouble with her friends.
You are so right -- I love how easy the friendships seem for my boys.I don't have girls to compare it to...but I do recall my own experiences growing up.
Sweet picture!
My goodness, those are some handsome dudes!
I enjoyed watching my boys' friendships as they've grown up, too. They pretty much treat friends like brothers, easily overlooking faults. Pretty sweet!
This is so sweet!!
By the way, I LOOVED the way he grinned so big through his whole performance. I tried to get photos of it, but there were heads in my way so I couldn't. But he was so cute that night!
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